People’s Daily: “Zepp-LaRouche – China’s Contribution to the Cause of Human Rights”

July 17, 2014 (EIRNS) — People’s Daily Chinese-language online edition, this week carried Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s opinion piece on the West’s hypocrisy on “human rights.” The article was solicited by People’s Daily in order to respond to all the Western criticism about China’s “human rights record.” It has already been circulated to other Chinese websites. The text is as follows: Look […]

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United States and EU, with Ukrainian Terrorists, Establish Nazi Regime

Introduction By Leni Rubinstein The danger of conflict outlined in “Reflections upon entering a new year – 2014: A choice between two systems,” has become ever more present with the recent developments in Ukraine, and Lyndon LaRouche warned February 3, that the period of the last week of February and the beginning part of March was the likely time-frame in […]

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Xinhuanet Publishes Interview with Lyndon LaRouche

On August 3, 2013 Xinhuanet, the official press agency of the People’s Republic of China, posted the following interview with U.S. statesman Lyndon LaRouche, which was done by reporter Zhang Mian on July 27, 2013. QUESTION: Thank you for taking this interview. I would like to start with the NSA surveillance program which was revealed by Edward Snowden and other […]

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The NSA: Is It American, or British?

This article appears in the June 28, 2013 issue of Executive Intelligence Review. June 24—Recent revelations, based on NSA documents disclosed by whistleblower Edward Snowden, showing the extent of collaboration between the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), and Her Majesty’s General Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), raise again the question of British control over vital U.S. intelligence functions, and whether the British, […]

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Air-Sea Battle’ Is a Plan for War on China

This article was originally published in the June 28th, 2013 issue of the Executive Intelligence Review. by Michael Billington June 20—Over recent weeks, several leading analysts and institutions in Washington have released studies which directly challenge the operative U.S. war-fighting doctrine under the Obama Administration, known as Air-Sea Battle (ASB), demonstrating that the very existence of the doctrine threatens to […]

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Schiller Institute Conference in San Francisco

Creating a new paradigm for mankind: The Second American Revolution By Leni Rubinstein On June 29th a truly unique event unfolded in San Francisco, namely the fifth in a series of international conferences, initiated by founder of the International Schiller Institute, Helga Zepp LaRouche, with the intention of creating a ‘New Paradigm’. In taking this initiative, in the midst of […]

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April 13-14 Schiller Institute Conference: Attaining Freedom Through Necessity

A Celebration Of The Dignity Of Man An integrated part of the Schiller Institute’s international conference held in Frankfurt, Germany April 13-14, was the performance of classical music throughout the conference. The highpoint of these performances was, without doubt, Mozart’s Requiem Mass in D minor, a performance celebrating the memory of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. It is of special note, that […]

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2013: The Year Where the Common Aims of Mankind Supersede War and Chaos, and Create the Basis for Lasting Peace

A most serious challenge is facing mankind. Fifty years after the Cuban missile crisis, our civilization is facing the danger of global confrontation, with the potential of escalation into thermonuclear war. In recent years we have witnessed an intensifying policy of so-called ‘regime-change’, turning Iraq into a rubble-field, Libya into anarchy, and Afghanistan into a ‘drug-haven’ nightmare. The Near and […]

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A Day That Will Live in Infamy

November 7th, 2012 The following are remarks made by Lyndon LaRouche on the morning following the announcement of the results of the 2012 presidential elections: A truly great President, on Dec. 7th of 1941, declared that that day was a “day in infamy.” And the same thing can be said of Nov. 7th, now. What obviously happened to cause this […]

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