History Is Now Being Written in Asia! The EU Summit Must Follow the Example of Singapore!

by Helga Zepp-LaRouche June 16, 2018 The contrast could hardly be clearer. In Singapore, the historic summit between President Donald Trump and Chairman Kim Jong-un launched a process that, beyond the region itself, could guarantee world peace for the future; at the same time, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) rang in a new era in building a new world order […]

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Make the New Silk Road global in 2018!

This New Year – 2018 A.D. – has the potential for ushering in a profound change for mankind. It offers to become a year of decision and optimism for the future. An unstoppable dynamic was introduced in 2013, when President Xi Jinping inaugurated steps for creating a Silk Road process of land, sea, and space collaboration, the so-called Belt and […]

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Trump Victory Is Only a Reprieve from War Danger, Unless a Much More Fundamental Change Can Be Enacted

A Global Shock to a Dead System: Trump Victory Is Only a Reprieve from War Danger, Unless a Much More Fundamental Change Can Be Enacted Nov. 10 (EIRNS)—The stunning election victory of Donald Trump can only be properly understood in the context of global developments that all reflect a powerful popular repudiation of the system of war and usury that has […]

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Helga Zepp-LaRouche Addresses Think 20 Summit

Aug. 4 (EIRNS)—The following speech was delivered by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder and chairwoman of the Schiller Institute, on July 29 at the “Think 20” Summit in Beijing. The Summit was organized by three Chinese think-tanks: the Institute of World Economics and Politics (IWEP) at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), the Shanghai Institute for International Studies (SIIS), and the […]

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Creating A Common Future For Mankind And A Renaissance Of Classical Culture

 打印这篇文章 International conference, Berlin June 25-26, June 2016 June 28, 2016 —The Schiller Institute’s international two-day conference gathered more than 300 guests from 24 nations and four continents for an intense and profound dialogue on how to stop the immediate danger of world war, by creating instead a new paradigm of global cooperation and development, based on a dialogue of […]

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Helga Zepp-LaRouche New Year Message: The Chinese Dream Offers the Whole World a Beautiful Perspective for the Future

by Helga Zepp-LaRouche President Xi JinPing has revived the Silk Road spirit of two thousand years ago, and is offering the whole world a win-win cooperation to revitalize the world economy. Already, sixty nations have welcomed the cooperation in the “One Belt-One Road” policy, and new financial institutions, such as the AIIB and New Development Bank of the BRICS. President […]

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Zepp-LaRouche: An Urgent Appeal for Action to the Heads of Government

by Helga Zepp-LaRouche Aug. 28, 2015—More and more people worldwide are profoundly worried over what only a few prominent people are saying publicly: NATO’s confrontation with Russia and China is ongoing, and set to escalate, so that a global thermonuclear war is almost inevitable, unless we dramatically change our political course. The worldwide stock market collapse which followed “Black Monday” […]

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