The Crimes and Downfall of British Liberalism and the New Paradigm of the Future of Humanity

By Helga Zepp-LaRouche [Keynote presentation to Schiller Institute International April 25-25 , 2020 Web Conference] The human species is confronted with an enormous, unprecedented crisis, which not only threatens to cost the lives of many millions of people through illness and hunger, to sweep away many of the institutions that have been taken for granted until now, and to plunge […]

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We Need the Confidence and Strength of International Cooperation to Fight the Virus

[source: People’s Daily; published in China Daily April 4, 2020] by Helga Zepp-LaRouche No one could imagine that the novel coronavirus could bring such changes to the world. The determined efforts of China resulted in firm action, effectively controlling the epidemic, with WHO’s Director-General calling China’s measures the standard for fighting the virus. Some Western countries are now also implementing […]

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Conference: Mankind’s Existence Now Depends on the Establishment of a New Paradigm!

Schiller Institute Conference Invitation Via Internet, April 25-26, 2020 This conference takes place in a time that challenges our moral fitness to survive. Even before the outbreak of the double crisis of the coronavirus pandemic and the on-going financial blow-out, it was evident that the old world order — the attempted establishment of a unipolar world after the disintegration of the Soviet […]

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Urgent appeal to Immediately Implement the Four Laws of Lyndon LaRouche

Urgent appeal to President Trump, President Xi, President Putin, Prime Minister Modi and leaders of other countries for the emergency implementation of the Four Laws of Lyndon LaRouche by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, President of the Schiller Institute [Feb. 28 2020] As the spread of the coronavirus is threatening to become a pandemic, the impact on physical economic production is already challenging […]

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China Deserves Praise and Cooperation in the Fight against the Coronavirus

Statement by the President of the International Schiller Institute: China Deserves Praise and Cooperation in the Fight against the Coronavirus by Helga Zepp-LaRouche [Feb. 6 2020] The name of the German weekly magazine Der Spiegel actually means in English: “The Mirror.” And indeed what you see this week on the cover page of the print version of Der Spiegel, – a […]

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Sign The Call For Presidents Trump, Putin & Xi To Convene Emergency Summit To Address Danger Of War

Sign The Call For Presidents Trump, Putin & Xi To Convene Emergency Summit To Address Danger Of War If the world is to escape a spiral of retaliations and counter-retaliations in the wake of the killing of Iranian Major General Soleimani and Iraqi Deputy General Muhandis, the Presidents of the United States, Russia and China must convene an emergency summit […]

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In the Year of the Rat: Let Beethoven and Schiller Shape the Future of Humanity

In the Year of the Rat: Let Beethoven and Schiller Shape the Future of Humanity Joy, beautiful spark of Divinity, Daughter of Elysium, We enter, drunk with fire, Heavenly One, thy sanctuary! Thy magic binds again What custom strictly divided; All people become brothers, Where thy gentle wing abides. -from Schiller’s “Ode to Joy” used in Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony This […]

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U.S. McCarthyite Attack on China Is an Attack on President Trump

Nov. 22, 2019 (EIRNS)—A pamphlet released today by Executive Intelligence Review exposes the fact that the same people running the attempted coup against President Donald Trump, both the Russiagate hoax and the phony impeachment hearings, are behind the anti-China hysteria in the United States, and for the same reason: to sabotage President Trump’s absolute commitment to be friends with both […]

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