“A Vision For The Future Of Humanity” – Helga Zepp-LaRouche · Rhodes Conference

The following address was delivered by Helga Zepp-LaRouche to the Oct. 7 closing plenary of the World Public Forum Dialogue of Civilizations, Oct. 4-7, 2012 in Rhodes.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

There were many important issues discussed during the last days, but I agree with Professor Dallmayr, that we cannot conclude this conference without focusing again on the reality that we, as a civilization are on the verge of thermonuclear war. The possibility of a military attack on Iran, the escalation of the situation between Syria and Turkey, the deployment of U.S. aircraft carriers in the Western Pacific close to these contested islands, and Hillary Clinton's statement that any attack on these islands would bring the U.S.-Japan military treaty into play, the agreement of the Spanish government to participate in the NATO anti-missile defense shield, all of these developments demonstrate that we are in mortal danger.

During the last weeks, the existential danger in which the human species now finds itself has become clear for all thinking people. The almost continuous policy of "regime change," which after the collapse of the Soviet Union, "bombed Iraq back to the stone age," plunged Libya into anarchy, turned Afghanistan into a nightmare, and victimized the secular state of Syria with foreign intervention and religious warfare, in the case of military operations against Iran, could lead to an uncontrollable worldwide wildfire. The Near and Middle East threatens to become a new Balkans, in which existing alliances like those before World War I lead to a conflagration. The unthinkable could occur, that Mutual Assured Destruction no longer functions as a deterrent, but becomes the consequence of a war in which thermonuclear weapons are deployed, leading to the extinction of the human race. Not at some possible time — but within the next weeks.

The dynamic which is driving the war danger, is accentuated by the accelerating collapse of the transatlantic financial system. Bernanke's euphemistically named "quantitative easing III" liquidity expansion is just as hyperinflationary as Mario Draghi's "whatever it takes," unlimited purchase of state bonds through the European Central Bank. Hyperinflationary money printing, in connection with brutal austerity — in the tradition of Reichschancellor Brüning — against the population and real economy has already had a life shortening effect upon millions of people in Greece, Italy, Spain, and Portugal and threatens to plunge Europe into a firestorm of social chaos.

Humanity is in the process of crashing into a brick wall at full speed. The question which we urgently must answer is whether the human species, confronted with its own self-destruction, is intelligent enough to change course in time, from the presently ruinous paradigm of attempting the consolidation of a world empire and the feigned legitimation for resolution of geopolitical conflicts by means of war, and replacing it with another, which is viable for humanity?

To solve this problem, we have to address an epistomological problem: We must repudiate the relics of the methods of thinking that are anchored in the oligarchical system, including deductive, positivist, empiricist, monetarist or linear statistic projection concepts expressing a bad infinity, as they belong to a worldview that has nothing to do with the laws of the real physical universe, nor the creativity of human reason.

Instead we must craft with the same creativity and love of humanity, as that of Nicholas of Cusa, Johannes Kepler, Gottfried Leibniz, Johann Sebastian Bach, Ludwig van Beethoven, Friedrich Schiller, Vladimir Vernadsky, or Albert Einstein, to name but a few, a vision of a better future for mankind, which of course can only be realized only when enough forces unite themselves for this good cause.

Such a vision can never be the result of Aristotelian thinking, or become a "consensus" of solutions for many small side issues, i.e., thinking from "below," but comes from thinking "from above." Nicholas of Cusa had, with his method of Coincidentia Oppositorum, the Coinicidence of Opposites, whereby the One has a higher order of power than the Many, laid the cornerstone on which not only the Priniciple of the Peace of Wesphalia and International Law were built, but also a universal method of problem and conflict solving, which is still valid today. This means we must begin with the definition of the common aims of mankind. What could be more important than the ontological question of "esse," being, that we are able to secure the prolonged sustainable existence of the human species?

By virtue of the anti-entropic lawfulness of the physical universe, the enduring existence of humanity requires a constant rise in the potential relative population density and a continually expanding energy flux density in production processes. If we want to find a solution to the twofold existential threat to mankind, the danger of thermonuclear world war and the systemic economic crisis, then the new paradigm must bring itself into cohesion with the order of creation. We need a plan for peace for the 21st century, a vision, which simultaneously inspires the imagination of hopes of man.

Despite having all the scientific and technological means at hand to guarantee humane conditions of life, while there are over 1 billion people subject to hunger and malnourishment, while 25,000 children — a small city — die daily from hunger, while 3 billion live in poverty and are denied their human rights, is it not then our sacred duty to actually deploy those means? We need a large-scale development strategy, building on the ideas of the United Nations Development Decades of the 1950s and '60s, rejecting completely the paradigm change of the past 40-50 years as the wrong track, and thus reviving the idea of "Peace Through Development."

Such a vision could be the implemention of the World Land-Bridge with its many great projects like NAWAPA, the tunnel under the Bering Strait, the development of the Artic, expansion of the Eurasian Land-Bridge, above all into the Near and Middle East and the Indian Subcontinent, including linking Africa to the World Land-Bridge through tunnels, under the Strait of Gilbratar linking Spain and Morocco, and also between Sicily and Tunisia.

There are two large regions of this planet where lack of development cries for vengeance, one being the African continent, that was never allowed to recuperate from the centuries-long colonial exploitation; and the second being the Near and Middle East, which are currently way behind their golden periods, when Baghdad was the center of world culture, or when Pamyra Tadmur in Syria was a pearl on the ancient Silk Road. We must put on the agenda for discussion a vision for an economic and cultural Renaissance for these regions, representing an element of reason at a higher level than the local, ethnic, and historic conflicts. Were the representatives of a group of large nations to bring such a message to the world community, showing that in fact, there is a real alternative that would make possible the survival of all people on this planet, then that element of hope could be brought into the debate, which is presently completely lacking.

The same kind of thinking using the standpoint of Coincidentia Oppositorum, thinking from "above," as applied to overcoming the underdevelopment on Earth with the World Land-Bridge, we also need for defense from the dangers to all of us on the planet which come from space. Russia, with its project for Strategic Defense of the Earth, SDE, has made a proposal for the cooperation of Russia and the U.S.A., and potentially more countries, for joint missile defense and the protection of Earth from asteroid and comet impact, which can replace the current geopolitical confrontation and the existential threat of its escalation. The SDE project is in the tradition of the SDI, the Strategic Defense Initiative, the proposal for overcoming the nuclear threat and division of the world into military blocs, which my husband Lyndon LaRouche developed over 30 years ago and which President Ronald Reagan made the official policy of the American government in 1983.

The SDE project, which includes early warning systems for manmade and natural catastrophes, as well as cooperation in manned space flight, is the absolutely necessary economic science driver that the crisis-ridden world economy needs in order to achieve higher levels of productivity and create the new scientific and technological capacities that are also needed for the solution to the problems on Earth. Joint manned space travel is the necessary next step for the evolution of mankind, and with this "Extraterrestial Imperative," as called for by renowned scientist and rocket engineer Krafft A. Ehricke, mankind can now enter into an age of adulthood, leaving behind itself, like childhood diseases, the solving of conflicts through war.

If we promptly succeed in unifying ourselves around the vision of achieving the common aims of mankind, and consciously present this perspective as a war-avoidance strategy, then it can inspire the imagination of the younger generation, which is now threatened worldwide by mass unemployment and desperate hopelessness. If the young people develop the same passion and elevated concepts as the pioneers of space travel once had, who now are encouraged with the instruments which the Mars rover Curiosity is deploying, and which has now "shifted the sense experience of Man," admittedly, with a 14-minute delay, the world has entered a new phase space; if young people develop that passion, then we have won. In the next phase of mankind, man will think like scientists and the composers of great works of Classical art.

We either act now, in this moment of existential danger, on the common aims of mankind, or we will not exist.

Mrs. Helga Zepp-LaRouche is President of the international Schiller Institute.

The Principles That Must Underlie American Foreign Relations

[The article below was part of a larger paper entitled “The Principles That Must Underlie American Foreign Relations–An Historical Review Within the Context of the Current Strategic Situation.” The paper was presented at an international symposium sponsored by the Center for American Studies and the Institute of World History, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, in November 2012.] A historical review within context of current […]

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A Vote For Obama Is A Vote For Thermonuclear War

September 4th, 2012–In a tight, stark presentation, LaRouchePAC’s latest video documentary, “Unsurvivable” presents the horror of the thermonuclear war to which President Barack Obama is currently leading the world. “Unsurvivable” is a dark, gruesome, but wholly true depiction of the threat of thermonuclear war, the consequences, and Obama’s deployment of a major portion of the U.S. thermonuclear arsenal in multiple […]

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Obama, Cameron, Netanyahu’s Lies Accelerate World War Drive

(March 16, 2015-LaRouche PAC)–Highly-placed American and Israeli intelligence sources have confirmed and elaborated on the recent Aluf Benn report that, contrary to all major media accounts, U.S. President Barack Obama, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and British Prime Minister David Cameron are all in sync on plans for an immediate military strike against Iran, ultimately targeted against Russia and China. […]

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The New Generation of Leaders Must Commit Our Nation to a Trans-Pacific Alliance

The following statement has just been issued by the slate of six LaRouche Democrats in response to LaRouche’s  September 30, 2011 Presidential address. Mankind is now being presented with two starkly contrasting economic systems of the human species. Across the Atlantic, is a system that represents an imperial view of man, where a handful of financier oligarchs seek to reduce […]

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The Battle Has Just Begun

The 264 Congressmen who voted to support Obama’s fascist coup, have committed an act of treason, whether they are conscious of it or not.  If the implications of this vote are allowed to stand, and Obama is allowed to have his way, the total destruction of the United States will occur in very short order. By virtue of the mass of deaths of American citizens and others around the world which will occur as a result, those who voted in support of Obama now find themselves with blood on their hands. And just as was said in the tribunals at Nuremberg, ignorance is no excuse: Known, or should have known.

The support for this emergency decree, for Obama’s enabling acts, is an act of treason, a criminal violation of the US Constitution. This vote represents the nullification of every essential feature of our federal constitutional system, and the loss of the United States as a free and independent republic is now assured unless this President is called to account for this treasonous crime committed on behalf of the British monarchy.

The coup we warned you about, is now here. The British Empire is out to eliminate any and all opposition to its power, as the world financial system comes down. Obama was planted in the White House with only one purpose: the destruction of the United States. He has blocked every effort to assert our sovereign, constitutional right to protect our people in the face of the enemy. He has opposed the orderly reorganization of the gambling debts accrued by London and Wall Street. He has colluded with a foreign power to orchestrate an environment of terror to force through this fascist coup. He has formed an unconstitutional body, in the form of a Supercongress, to dictate fascist austerity against American citizens. He has eliminated the power of democratically elected representatives to challenge, debate, or amend these murderous cuts. And he has declared that the Congress has no option but to concede their legally mandated power, to grant him and his chosen committee of twelve total and ultimate control over the lives and destinies of our people.

And, last night, in an act of high treason, the Congress conceded to this dictatorship.

LaRouche PAC and the six candidate LaRouche Democratic slate is calling on all Americans to join us immediately to oppose this dictatorial coup. We have only one weapon for the strategic defense of this nation: the immediate reenactment of Roosevelt’s Glass-Steagall. Glass-Steagall will bring our enemies to their knees by bankrupting the British system, and will finally restore the sovereignty of the American constitutional republic. Only the full and total commitment to this piece of legislation, will give us the power to head off this fascist coup d’etat. The Democrats have failed. The Republicans have failed. Now it‘s those patriots who are willing fight beside Lyndon LaRouche and the six LaRouche candidates, who have the moral authority to lead this nation. To throw Obama out of office, to halt his Hitler coup, and to defend the constitution of this republic against our enemies in the British Empire.

The battle -- has just begun. We will not give up this war.