‘Tantamount to Treason’

June 29, 2012(EIR)–You’ve seen that characterization before. It was precisely the one enunciated by Lyndon LaRouche in the Fall of 2008, when the outgoing Bush Administration, with the explicit blessing of Democratic Presidential candidate Barack Obama, rammed through the first massive taxpayer bailout of the debt-rotten banking system. Since that time, trillions in support have gone to the banks—as the […]

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Appeal to Governments and Parliaments For Glass-Steagall Now!

The following appeal was issued June 17, for urgent action across Europe and the Trans-Atlantic region by Helga Zepp-LaRouche. It is available in German on www.bueso.de, the site of the Buergerrechtsbewegung Solidaritaet party. Appeal to Governments and Parliaments – Glass-Steagall Now! 1. All nations of the Trans-Atlantic region must enact a law which would separate commercial banks from investment/speculative banking […]

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The Vote for the Debt Deal is a Vote for Treason

On Aug. 1st 2011 LaRouche PAC issued an emergency warning about the following legislation to be voted on the same day by the U.S. Congress: 1. An initial cut of $1 trillion from the federal budget. 2. The creation of what Obama has named the Supercongress, a 12 person body composed of 6 Democrats and 6 Republicans who are tasked […]

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Getting Out in Time!

Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. July 12 , 2010 Since my Summer 1956 forecast of a deep recession to strike suddenly, somewhere during the February-March interval of 1957, I have never published a forecast for the U.S. economy which did not occur as I had foreseen. The reason for this distinction, is that all my putative rivals in such matters have […]

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A New, World Credit-System: The Question Before Us

Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Saturday, January 9, 2010 (originally published in the January 15, 2010 issue of Executive Intelligence Review) The question addressed by the following presentation, is: What are to be recommended for consideration as perspectives for what is (a) a truly, urgently needed four-power initiative on behalf of a mission-oriented process of transformation of the world’s economic systems, […]

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