“The Cable Has Been Cut”

LaRouche: British Empire’s “Bail-In” Is Driving Thermonuclear World War III “The President of the United States is now toying with a thermonuclear war, involving the United States and others against Russia and China,” Lyndon LaRouche charged on April 4. “And therefore, the President of the United States must be impeached for that reason.” Obama is nothing but a puppet of […]

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Developing the Pacific and Ending the Grip of Empire

On November the 2nd, 2013, the Schiller Institute held its 6th in a series of international conferences to create a new paradigm for civilization in Los Angeles, California. This series of conferences was initiated by Helga LaRouche about a year ago, when the first such conference was held in Frankfurt, Germany. Over the course of 12 hours event, leaders of […]

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LaRouche: Behind The Shutdown & Debt Ceiling Swindle Wall St. Orders Obama To Kill Glass-Steagall

October 5, 2013 (LPAC)–Wall Street had demanded that President Barack Obama stop the reinstatement of Glass Steagall at all costs and instead move ahead with more bailouts and bail-in looting of the American people to preserve their thoroughly bankrupt system. The Wall Street policy means an acceleration of crippling hyperinflation, devastating austerity and, ultimately, mass murder of the nation’s most […]

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Detroit is Too Big to Fail: Crush Wall Street, Not The American People

by Bill Roberts, LaRouchePAC Policy Committee (July 22, 2013)–On Friday, July 19th, during a live webcast Lyndon LaRouche warned that if we do not succeed in forcing the U.S. Congress to put through a reinstatement of Glass-Steagall, we can kiss the nation goodbye. As the financial bubble continues to implode, the banks of the trans-Atlantic financial system would simply default […]

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Kill Dodd-Frank Before It Literally Kills You!

This is the text of a May 27, 2013 LaRouche Political Action Committee mass leaflet. Whether your Congressman and Senator know it or not, Wall Street and the City of London’s too-big-to-fail banks have been given the keys to your savings accounts and will steal every penny that you think you own the minute they get into trouble and need […]

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Senator Harkin Introduces S. 985 To Reinstate Glass-Steagall

(May 17, 2013)– Yesterday, on the 80th anniversary of the introduction of the original 1933 Glass Steagall Act, Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA) introduced Senate Bill 985 to reinstate Glass Steagall. While the full text of the Harkin bill has not yet been posted by the Library of Congress, the fact that there is now a Senate bill to reinstate full […]

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Glass-Steagall or Die! A Bailout Was Never Possible: The Intent is Genocide

Lyndon LaRouche forecast the only possible future policy direction that can result from the current ‘bail-out’ and ‘quantitative easing’ policies under, presently, Obama and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke. The following is excerpted from the February 15 webcast of the regular series of Friday dialogues with LaRouche. “The key thing that faces us internationally, which is still the leading issue […]

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Dump Obama and Geithner This Week!

(July 22, 2012) President Obama’s Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has been caught dead to rights covering up the rigging of interest rates on $800 trillion in financial transactions, including mortgages, college loans, credit cards and municipal debt. Documents from the New York Federal Reserve Bank and the Bank of England show that Geithner knew, by no later than 2007, that […]

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