On June 13 and 14, 2015, eminent representatives of three of the five countries which make up the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa)—and of countries associated with them, were invited to Paris, to speak at an exceptional international conference of the Schiller Institute on the theme: “Rebuilding the World in the BRICS Era.” The aim of this […]
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To Stop the Drive for World War: Dump Obama and Merkel Now!
June 9, 2015 (EIRNS)—After President Obama’s over-the-top bellicose performance at the just-concluded G-7 summit in Germany, it is becoming more and more obvious that the key to any reliable war-avoidance program, to stop the march towards a potential thermonuclear war of annihilation, is the removal from office of both President Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Both Obama and Merkel […]
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MEMO FOR THE NEXT PRESIDENT New Perspectives on the Western Water Crisis
Continue readingIntroduction to the Schiller Institute
The Schiller Institute is working around the world to defend the rights of all humanity to progress –material, moral and intellectual. It is named after Friedrich Schiller, the great 18th-century German poet and playwright, whose works have inspired republican opposition to oligarchic tyranny worldwide. In America, the Institute, a non-profit corporation headquartered in Washington, D.C., was founded in May 1984. […]
Continue readingTo Fulfill the Mission of Presidency, Obama Must Be Dumped and All Remnants of the Bush League Eliminated
March 26 (EIRNS)—To restore the mission of the U.S. Presidency—without which the United States cannot survive—President Obama must be forced out of office, and all vestiges of the Bush family must be removed. After the experience of eight years of Bush-Cheney, following the earlier 12 years of George H.W. Bush, occupying the posts of Vice President and President, it is […]
Continue readingLaRouche Denounces Frame up of Putin for Nemtsov Murder; Calls Out Obama
March 3 (EIRNS)–U.S. economist Lyndon LaRouche decried today the fraudulent effort to frame up Russian President Vladimir Putin for the murder of liberal Russian politician Boris Nemtsov on the night of Feb 27-28. In fact, LaRouche insisted that the Nemtsov murder was nothing but a provocation directed against Putin, as he had said from the first moment it became known. […]
Continue readingThe U.S. and Europe Must Have the Courage to Reject Geopolitics and Collaborate with the BRICS
In today’s nuclear age, the consequence of a geopolitical policy of confrontation with Russia and China can only be the thermonuclear extinction of the human race. Therefore, every effort must be made to cooperate to solve the multiple crises facing humanity. The BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) have united to pursue a policy of economic development […]
Continue readingA Life or Death Choice Between Two Systems
The BRICS and the Scientific-Economic Revolution That Will Change the World The following is a slightly abridged version of a transcript of a speech Helga Zepp-LaRouche gave at an international video-conference in Mexico City November 21, 2014. HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Hello. I’m very happy to send you my greetings this way, and not only to you in Mexico, but also to […]
Continue readingResolution: Mankind Is The Only Creative Species!
The Schiller Institute Conference in Frankfurt, Germany unanimously adopted this Resolution on Oct. 19. Mankind experiences presently a deep civilizational crisis, where the foundations of society in many parts of the world have eroded, and established codes of international relations have broken down. On top of this, we are faced with mortal dangers, each of which could lead to the […]
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