On November the 2nd, 2013, the Schiller Institute held its 6th in a series of international conferences to create a new paradigm for civilization in Los Angeles, California. This series of conferences was initiated by Helga LaRouche about a year ago, when the first such conference was held in Frankfurt, Germany. Over the course of 12 hours event, leaders of […]
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Pennsylvania Doctor Releases Statement Against “Murderous Obamacare”
Statement released by Mark Shelley, M.D., D.A.B.F.P. 1 Willow St., Port Allegany PA,October 24, 2013 DOCTORS AGAINST MURDEROUS OBAMACARE As a physician and an American, I feel compelled at this time of peril, to address the changes that I see in the process of the actual delivery of health care to the American people. From my perspective as a general […]
Continue readingLaRouche: Behind The Shutdown & Debt Ceiling Swindle Wall St. Orders Obama To Kill Glass-Steagall
October 5, 2013 (LPAC)–Wall Street had demanded that President Barack Obama stop the reinstatement of Glass Steagall at all costs and instead move ahead with more bailouts and bail-in looting of the American people to preserve their thoroughly bankrupt system. The Wall Street policy means an acceleration of crippling hyperinflation, devastating austerity and, ultimately, mass murder of the nation’s most […]
Continue readingLaRouche: “No Military Action In Syria; Thermonuclear Danger Too Grave”
August 29th, 2013 1. Any U.S. attack on Syria has the potential to trigger a larger war, which could lead to a thermonuclear war and extinction. This threat is so serious that any other considerations in favor of U.S. military action against Syria must be rejected due to this overwhelming danger. Lyndon LaRouche on Syria and the threat of thermonuclear […]
Continue readingXinhuanet Publishes Interview with Lyndon LaRouche
On August 3, 2013 Xinhuanet, the official press agency of the People’s Republic of China, posted the following interview with U.S. statesman Lyndon LaRouche, which was done by reporter Zhang Mian on July 27, 2013. QUESTION: Thank you for taking this interview. I would like to start with the NSA surveillance program which was revealed by Edward Snowden and other […]
Continue readingThe NSA: Is It American, or British?
This article appears in the June 28, 2013 issue of Executive Intelligence Review. June 24—Recent revelations, based on NSA documents disclosed by whistleblower Edward Snowden, showing the extent of collaboration between the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), and Her Majesty’s General Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), raise again the question of British control over vital U.S. intelligence functions, and whether the British, […]
Continue readingAir-Sea Battle’ Is a Plan for War on China
This article was originally published in the June 28th, 2013 issue of the Executive Intelligence Review. by Michael Billington June 20—Over recent weeks, several leading analysts and institutions in Washington have released studies which directly challenge the operative U.S. war-fighting doctrine under the Obama Administration, known as Air-Sea Battle (ASB), demonstrating that the very existence of the doctrine threatens to […]
Continue readingAbu Zubaydeh Case Shows Fraud of NSA’s Dragnet Surveillance
This article appears in the June 21, 2013 issue of Executive Intelligence Review. by Edward Spannaus June 17—The argument is often heard—from President Obama, to certain Congressional Republicans and Democrats—that the National Security Agency (NSA)’s dragnet surveillance, spying on all Americans, “keeps us safe from terrorism.” Obama has been insistent in defending the program of vacuuming up all telecommunications, allegedly […]
Continue readingSchiller Institute Conference in San Francisco
Creating a new paradigm for mankind: The Second American Revolution By Leni Rubinstein On June 29th a truly unique event unfolded in San Francisco, namely the fifth in a series of international conferences, initiated by founder of the International Schiller Institute, Helga Zepp LaRouche, with the intention of creating a ‘New Paradigm’. In taking this initiative, in the midst of […]
Continue readingDetroit is Too Big to Fail: Crush Wall Street, Not The American People
by Bill Roberts, LaRouchePAC Policy Committee (July 22, 2013)–On Friday, July 19th, during a live webcast Lyndon LaRouche warned that if we do not succeed in forcing the U.S. Congress to put through a reinstatement of Glass-Steagall, we can kiss the nation goodbye. As the financial bubble continues to implode, the banks of the trans-Atlantic financial system would simply default […]
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