Let’s usher in a new just world economic order,
where the new silk road reaches all corners of the globe!
Since President Xi in 2013 called forth the idea of building the Road and Belt development corridors – a new silk road – this idea is being realized at an accelerated rate, and has created the possibility for building a future for mankind, where imperialism and geopolitics are replaced with the common aims of Mankind. A future, where hunger and poverty are eradicated, where the full potential of the individual is being realized, where nations join together in exploring the Universe, and the thought of war becomes obsolete.
Already over 70 nations have joined in this new system of financial and economic cooperation on a “win-win” basis, which is the principle of mutual development and “the advantage of the other.” For this new system to be fully implemented, the United States must accept President Xi’s offer for joining the AIIB, and the old dead, and financially bankrupt transatlantic system must be replaced with a new, as envisioned and implemented by Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
In one of his speeches, President Xi compared the future collaboration among nations to that of a great chorus. The founder of the Schiller Institute, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, has emphasized, that to succeed in building a new world order, a new renaissance based on a dialogue of cultures – a cultural silk road – of the most beautiful treasures of art from the different nations, is indispensable.
As we embark on this year, let’s have Friedrich Schiller’s poem “Ode to Joy”, immortalized by Beethoven’s 9th symphony, in our mind. It is a beautiful image celebrating the dignity, potential and beauty of Man. The very first line, “Joy, beautiful godly sparks” refer to man’s creativity, and “be embraced, ye millions” to the brotherhood of man. Let it be realized!
-Leni Rubinstein, editor, EIR Chinese