
2003-01-v.12n.2 變動的世界中的中國 :中美新經濟關係之我見 1996-2001年的美國經濟證實了拉魯旭的 「典型旗演方程式」 China in a Changing World: Reflections On a New Basis for U.S.-China Economic Relations LaRouche’s “Typical Collapse Function’ Confirmed by U.S. Economy

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2002-06-v.12n.1 「現在,一年已過 」 成形的新歐亞大陸橋基礎建設 LaRouche’s First 2002 Webcast: “And Now, A Year Later” The New Eurasian Land-Bridge Infrastructure Takes Shape

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2001-12-v.11n.4 「射殺鄰居的貓!」 維納斯基的策略 拉魯旭在俄羅斯國會談經濟危機 Shoot the Neighbor’s Cat! The Vernadsky Strategy LaRouche Addresses Russia’s Destiny at Hearing of the Duma in Moscow.

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2001-05-v.11n.3 以民為重! 生活開支中所需的實質商品: 沒有貨幣的交易 People First! “On a Basket of Hard Commodities: Trade Without Currency,” by Lyndon LaRouche The Collapse of the U.S. Economy Over the Last 30 Years

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2000-07-v.11n.2 拉魯旭先生與秘魯領導人的對話 中國需要保護主義和 弗-李斯特(Friedrich List) 的理論 新”布萊頓森林”計劃特別委員會 LaRouche holds dialogue with Peruvian leaders China Need Protectionism and the ideas Friedrich List The Ad Hoc Committee for a New Bretton Woods  

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2000-03-v.11n.1   美國選舉中的虛偽與騙局 擔保拉魯旭參加總統競選的聲明書 傀儡皇帝李登輝 世界和平與繁榮的基礎:建立一個新的布萊頓森林體系 The Rigging of the U.S. elections International endorsements for LaRouche Puppet Emperor Lee Tung-Hui The basis for peace and prosperity: The creation of a New Bretton Woods system.

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1999-07-v.10n.3 重建巴爾干和重建全世界 讓世界知道巴爾干戰爭的破壞程度 拉魯旭說: 軍法審判北約轟炸中國大陸館的罪行 Reconstruct the Balkans—and the world! Destruction in Balkans greater than admitted LaRouche: court-martial NATO chiefs for bombing of Chinese embassy

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1999-04-v.10n.1-2 白宫中的新權力結構 埃及可以怎樣把非洲與歐亞大陸橋連接起來 中國的鴉片戰爭與美國南北戰爭英帝國對單一民族國家的襲擊 拉魯旭規定了2000年的競選巢略 要想擊敗彈劾, 就必須粉碎新”聯邦”之企圖 New power structure in the White House by Leni Rubinstein The Chinese Opium Wars and the American Civil War: The British Empire’s assault on the nation state “To defeat impeachment, you must defeat the new Confederacy,” by Lyndon LaRouche Why the British killed Lincoln

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1998-12-v.9n.4 以 民 為 重 ! 面對金融災難政府要做到八大點 世界金融體系崩溃的歷史進程 “People first! What each among all nations must do now,” by Lyndon LaRouche Financial crisis: the end of a 30-year disease by Jonathan Tennenbaum

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