「颜色革命」的目的是要推翻政府的外资援助,即使没有使用「战争」这个词,但是「颜色革命」以民主为名推动的政策其实就是走向战争的政策。这种事必须停止。乌克兰的纳粹政变和以俄罗斯反对 「颜色革命」而行制裁之举都只会加剧全球金融危机。以相互合作的方式实现人类的共同目标,并及于整个欧亚大陆,甚至其他地方,将成为世界和平的基石。
因此,我们呼吁美国和欧洲放弃过去曾经导致两次世界大战,并走向第三次世界大战的自杀式地缘政治政策,共同为全人类的未来重新采纳立足在「利益他人」,从而结束欧洲三十年战争的西巴伐利亚条约的外交政策,以及约翰•昆西•亚当斯「主权民族国家共同体」 的原则。
- Rep. Rodney Alexander, former U.S. Congressman (Monroe, Louisiana)
- George Albantov, Co-Founder, Vice President of the Russian-American Youth Association (Seattle, WA)
- John Rich Anderson, Former Director, Texas and Southwest Cattle Ranchers Association (Gale, TX)
- Dr. Raymond Armstrong, Monroe City Council, District 1 (Monroe, LA)
- Edward Asner, Actor (Valley Village, California)
- Morad Abou-Sabe, Arab American League of Voters of NJ (Monroe, NJ)
- Amer Aboud, Syrian American Forum (Chicago, Illinois)
- Fidel Acevedo, Co-Chair, Progressive Hispanic Caucus, Texas Democratic Party (Texas)
- Ramatu Ahmed, Founder, Federation of African Muslim Women in America (Bronx, NY)
- Rev. Hector Arriaga, Pastor, Jesus es el Kryios Church (Alexandria, VA)
- Syed Hossain Babu, Actor, Director, Screen Writer (Los Angeles, CA)
- John D. Baker, MSG, United States Army (ret.), President, CEO, Tubamiurm Productions (Maryland)
- Roseanne Barr, Comedienne and former Presidential candidate, Peace and Freedom Party (Hawaii)
- Nathaniel Batchelder, Director, Oklahoma City Peace House (Oklahoma City, OK)
- Roland L. Beanum, Economic Adviser to Papua New Guinea (Valley Center, California)
- Rev. Alonzo Bell, Pastor, Martin Evans Missionary Baptist Church (Detroit, MI)
- Edith Bell, Coordinator, Pittsburgh, Pa. Branch, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (Pittsburgh, PA)
- Robert Beltran, Actor, Director (Los Angeles, CA)
- James Benham, State President, Indiana National Farmers Union (Versailles, IN)
- Prof. Cyrus Bina, Distinguished Professor of Economics, University of Minnesota (Morris, MN)
- George Bioletto, International Association of Machinist Trustee (Long Beach, CA)
- Kofi A. Boateng, PhD, African Federation Inc. (Ossing, NY)
- Charles H. Borowsky, M.D., President and Founder, Intermuse (Baltimore, MD)
- Roger Boyer, Stanford Linear Accelerator (retired) (Menlo Park, CA)
- Amelia Boynton-Robinson, Civil Rights Movement leader (Tuskegee, Alabama)
- Elena Branson, President, Russian Center NY (New York, NY)
- Mark Bush, CEO SouthOil (Houston, TX)
- Douglas Caddy, attorney (Houston, TX)
- Monica Calzolari, Director, Enrollment Communications, University of Massachusetts Boston (Boston, MA)
- Charles E. Campbell, founder and CEO, Allen Hydro Energy Corporation (Columbus, OH)
- Gerald Caprio, Director, Ahimsa Berkeley (Mill Valley, CA)
- Bernard Casey, Former President of American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine (2014) (San Jose, CA)
- Howard Chang, Professor of Hydraulic Engineering (ret) San Diego State University (CA)
- Victor Chang, Retired Professor University of Southern California, Director, Institute of Sino Strategic Studies (Los Angeles, CA)
- Bishop Juan Carlos, Pastor, President, CEO, Centro Cristiano Bet-El (South Gate, CA)
- Rep. Donna Christensen, former Delegate of the U.S. Virgin Islands to Congress 1997-2014 (U.S. Virgin Islands)
- Dr. Luis G. Collazo, Minister, former head of the Puerto Rico chapter of the Jubilee Network USA (Puerto Rico)
- Wang Chung Ping, President, Institute Sino Strategic Studies (Los Angeles, CA)
- Frank Cattone, Secretary, Monmouth County, N.J. Constitution Party (New Jersey, USA)
- Albert Clark, San Diego County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (New York, NY)
- Ramsey Clark, United States Attorney General 1967-69 (San Diego, CA)
- Jaime Contreras, Las Vegas Chapter Coordinator, Labor Council For Latin American Advancement
- Hal Cooper, Engineer, Seattle Freight Transportation Division Advisory Board (Seattle, WA)
- Professor Mark Crispin, Author, Professor of Media Studies, New York University (New York, NY)
- Brian Crowell, Shop Steward (fmr) American Federation of Teachers Local 1078 (Berkley, CA)
- Dr. Fred Dallmayr, Co-Chair, World Public Forum—Dialogue of Civilizations (South Bend, IN)
- Fr. Richard F. Davidson, FSGG (Franciscan Servants of God’s Grace) (New Jersey, USA)
- Dr. Bill Deagle, Genesis Communication Network, Host, Nutri-Medical Report (California)
- Stephen P. DeGot, Ecoban Securities Corp. (New York, NY)
- T. Herbert Dimmock, Founder and Music Director of the Bach Concert Series (Baltimore, MD)
- Judge Jim Dimos, Former Speaker of the Louisiana State House of Representatives, Retired (Monroe, LA)
- Dorceal Duckens, Ebony Opera Guild (Houston, TX)
- Charlton Dunn, Senior Engineer (retired) Rocketdyne and Atomics International (Paso Robles, CA)
- Lt. Col. Stanley Dzierzeski, USAR, ret., Director, Polish American Congress, Eastern Massachusetts (Belmont, MA)
- Edwin Edwards, former Governor of Louisiana (Louisiana)
- E. Leopold Edwards, retired faculty Howard University (Washington, DC)
- Dr. T.M. Fasy, Muslim Peacemaker Teams (New York, NY)
- James H. Fetzer, PhD, McKnight Professor Emeritus, University of Minnesota (Duluth, Minn.)
- Chris Fogarty, Columnist. Chair of Chicago Friends of Irish Freedom, Author of www.irishholocaust.org and “Ireland 1845-1850; the Perfect Holocaust, and Who Kept it ‘Perfect'” (Chicago, IL)
- James Fox, President, American Fertilizer Trade, LLC (Great Neck, NY)
- Fran Foulkrod, Vice-Chair, Philadelphia Chapter, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (Philadelphia, PA)
- Jimmie Franklin, V.P. Summerdale Community Organization (Memphis, TN)
- Congressman Cornelius Gallagher, U.S. Congressman 1959-1973 (New Jersey)
- Habib Ghanim, Sr., President, D.C. Halal Chamber of Commerce. (Silver Spring, MD)
- Donald Gibson, Professor Emeritus, University of Pittsburgh, author (Greensburg, PA)
- Henry C. Gonzalez, Mayor of South Gate, California, Founder and Former President of the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (South Gate, CA)
- Senator Mike Gravel, Former U.S. Senator from Alaska 1969-1981 (Burlingame, CA)
- Lisa Gray, Chair, North American Chinese Coalition (NACC) (Michigan, USA)
- Melvin Grimes, President and Founder, A Fresh Drink of Water (Los Angeles, CA)
- Dennis W. Grubb, Director, Investia, Ltd. Development, Finance Expert (Washington, DC)
- Nitin Gujaran, President, Association for India’s Development, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, MA)
- Don Hank, Editor-in-Chief, Laigle’s Forum (USA)
- David Hartsough, Peaceworkers (San Francisco, CA)
- Cathy M. Helgason, MD, Professor of Neurology (retired) University of Illinois College of Medicine (Chicago, Illinois)
- George C. Hillman, MBA, american entrepreneur (Boston, Massachusetts)
- Samuel Hoff, Liberian Community Activist (Torrance, CA)
- Jim Hogue, host, WGDR radio (Plainfield, Vermont)
- Lok Home, president, Robbins Co. (Solon, Ohio)
- Eliane Van Horn, Corona Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (Yucaipa, California)
- Thomas Hoverston, Former Columbia County Republican Party Chairman (Lodi, Wisconsin)
- Prof. James C. Hsiung, Professor of Politics and International Law, New York University (New York, NY)
- Hunter Huang, president, National Association for China’s Peaceful Unification (Washington, DC)
- Fred Huenefeld, member, Louisiana State Democratic Party Central Committee (Monroe, LA)
- Rep. Thomas Jackson, State Representative, Alabama (Alabama)
- Ralph Johnson, nuclear engineer (Seattle, WA)
- Rep. Constance Johnson, Oklahoma State Senator (ret.) District 48 (Oklahoma)
- Sam Kahl, District Leader, Democratic Party of Multnomah County Oregon (Portland, OR)
- Tarak Kauff, Veterans for Peace National Board of Directors (St. Louis, Missouri)
- Lateef Kareem-Bey, God’s Army for the Advancement of All People (Americus, GA)
- Fred Kaviani, surface transportation systems sales manager, Monogram Systems (Los Angeles, CA)
- Sang Joo Kim, Founder and Director, Institute for Korean-American Studies (Washington, D.C.)
- Frank Kloucek, Former State Senator (South Dakota, USA)
- Keerthana Krishnan, Executive Director, Association for India’s Development, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, MA)
- Father Labib Korbi, Former Priest of St. Thomas More Church, Founder of Al-Bushra website (San Francisco, California)
- George Krasnow, President, Russian-American Goodwill Association
- Kevin Lynn, Director, Center for Progressive Urban Politics (Los Angeles, CA)
- Dr. Ernest L. Johnson, President, NAACP Louisiana State Conference (Baton Rouge, LA)
- Peter Lago, Chief Operating Officer, LionsGate Corporation (San Francisco, CA)
- Beth K. Lamont, NGO Representative to the United Nations for the American Humanist Association (New York, NY)
- Lyndon H. LaRouche, Economist, Statesman, former Presidential candidate (Round Hill, VA)
- Eric Larsen, author, The Skull of Yorick: The Emptiness of American Thinking (New York, NY)
- Stephen Lendman, Author and Radio Host (Chicago, Illinois)
- LaMar Lemmons III, Detroit Board of Education; former member Michigan House of Reps. (Detroit, MI)
- Anges Lin, Senior Research Scientist in Education and Information Studies (Los Angeles, California)
- Dr. Edward Lozansky, PhD, President & Founder, American University in Moscow; Founder, World Russia Forum (Washington, DC)
- Harold L. Madison, Community Organizer and Community Diplomat (Baltimore, MD)
- Wayne Madsen, investigative journalist; Publisher and Editor, The Wayne Madsen Report
- Clyde Magarelli, Former Director of War Studies, William Paterson College, Author, Professor of Sociology (USA)
- Vance McAllister, Former U.S. Representative 2013-14 (Monroe, LA)
- Heliatrice Marques, Founder and President of BRICS Working Group, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University (New York, NY)
- Eli Mellor, Writer, Activist, Founder, The Time is Now Institute, “anti-corporate activist, provocateur and self-styled seer of 30 years of public and foreign policy disasters” (Claremont, CA)
- Joaquin Meneses, Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (Los Angeles, CA)
- Theo Mitchell, Esq., Former State Senator (Greenville, SC)
- Jeff Monroe, State Senator (South Dakota, USA)
- Pastor Joseph Moussa, Pastor for Arabic Christian Churches in Maryland and Pennsylvania (York, PA)
- Somnath Mukherji, Volunteer, Association for India’s Development, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, MA)
- Rep. Mike Manypenny, Member, West Virginia House of Delegates (West Virginia)
- Marie Martin, Stop Mass Incarceration (Inglewood, CA)
- Thomas Grolund Miner, Chairman and CEO of Thomas H. Miner Associates, Inc. (Chicago, Illinois)
- Saket Mishra, Volunteer, Association for India’s Development, MIT (Boston, Massachusetts)
- Anthony Morss, Music Director & Principal Conductor of the New Jersey Association of Verismo Opera, Inc. (New York, NY)
- Joseph Moussa, Pastor for Arabic Christian Churches in Rockville, Md., York, Pa., Harrisburg, Pa. (York, PA)
- Dr. Michael Nagler, Professor Emeritus of Classics and Comparative Literature, University of California Berkeley; Founder, Peace and Conflict Studies Program, U.C. Berkeley; Founder and President, Metta Center for Nonviolence (Tomales, CA)
- Robert Newton, former Vice President Communications Workers of America Local 2252 (Oakton, VA)
- Victor H. Ortiz, Justicia Social Para Los Immigrantes (Los Angeles, CA)
- Perry Owens, National Beef Board (Minneapolis, Kansas)
- Rev. Michael L. Pastrikos, St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church (Baltimore, MD)
- Alexandre Perrinelle, Russian Community Activist (West Hollywood, CA)
- Larry Pinkney, Black Activist Writers Guild (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
- Don Pondysh, North County N.Y. Veterans for Peace (Nichoville, NY)
- Nomi Prins, Author All the Presidents’ Bankers: The Hidden Alliances that Drive American Power (Los Angeles, CA)
- Elisha B. Pulivarti, Vice-President, Maryland India Business Roundtable, Inc. (College Park, MD)
- Ganga P. Ramdas, PhD, MA, MS, Professor of Economics, Lincoln University (Philadelphia, PA)
- Earl D. Rasmussen, P.E., Executive Vice President Eurasia Center, Lt. Colonel (ret) U.S.Army (Falls Church, VA)
- Alya Rea, Freelance Writer, Contributing Author, Cyrano’s Journal Today, Uncommon Thought Journal (Olympia, WA)
- James Reed, National Action Network Michigan State Representative (Inkster, Michigan)
- Phillip Restino, VFP 136, chapter co-chair, Central Florida, Vets for Peace (Daytona, Florida)
- Geroge E. Riser, Justice of the Peace, Harris County, TX Precinct 2 (Pasadena, TX)
- Priscilla Roche, Nevada State Director, League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) (Las Vegas, NV)
- Kesha Rogers, Democratic Nominee for Congress TX-22 (2010, 2012), former candidate for US Senate (Texas)
- Natalie Sabelnik, Russian-American community leader (San Francisco, California)
- Ranjani Saigal, Executive Director, Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation of the USA (Burlington, MA)
- Dr. Jose I. Sangerman, PhD, Biologics Researcher (Boston, Massachusetts)
- Henry J. Santos, Professor Emeritus, Bridgewater State University (Bridgewater, Massachusetts)
- Keith L. Shaffer, former President IAM local 1784 (Baltimore, Maryland)
- Prashant Shah, Publisher, India Tribune (Chicago, Illinois)
- Vaithilingam Shanmuganathan, National Committee Member, Liberal Party of Sri Lanka; Secretary General, Liberal Democratic Workers Union of Sri Lanka; Former Advisor to the Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka (Azusa, California)
- Trilochan Singh, Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Wayne State University (Detroit, Michigan)
- Dr. Kenneth Smith, Delegate to the California State Republican Convention, 2013, 2014 (Sunnyvale, CA)
- Randy Sowers, owner, South Mountain Creamery (Middletown, Maryland)
- Sean Stone, Filmmaker (New York, NY)
- Johannes Strohschank, Author, Member Board of Directors, Friends of Max Kade Society, Professor of German Studies, University of Wisconsin (Madison, WI)
- Baifeng Sun, Director, The Confucius Institute, UMASS Boston (Massachusetts)
- Rep. Rosemarie Swanger, retired Pennsylvania State Representative. (Pennsylvania)
- Harold Taylor, Former Black Panther Party member, ex-Defendant in the San Francisco Eight Trial (Panama City, FL)
- Dr. John Telford, Superintendent (retired) Detroit Public Schools (Detroit, Michigan)
- Michele Thomas, Photographer and Constitutional Activist (Los Angeles, CA)
- Jimal Thrower, Special Representative AFSCME Local 865 (Los Angeles, CA)
- Igor Trofimov, Vice-President, Russian-American Chamber of Commers (New York, NY)
- Magalis Troncoso, Director and Founder of the Dominican Development Center (Boston, MA)
- Rev. Benny L. Tucker, City Council (Selma, AL)
- Sean Turnbull, SGT Report (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
- Eric Tymoigne, Assistant Professor of Economics, Lewis and Clark College (Portland, Oregon)
- Judith Van Dyke, United Association of Entrepreneurs (New York)
- Bob Van Hee, Alderman, Former City Council President (Redwood Falls, Minn.)
- Anil Verma, President, Anil Verma Associates, Inc. (Los Angeles, California)
- Pat Wadsworth, former Chair and current Secretary, Grays Harbor Democrats (Grays Harbor, WA)
- Vince Weldon, retired aerospace engineer, designer of components for Apollo and Space Shuttle missions (Seattle, WA)
- Dr. Cornel West, Author, Activist, Professor of Philosophy and Christian Practice: Union Theological Seminary; Professor Emeritus: Princeton University (Princeton, NJ)
- Fred Wimberley, Member of the Bargaining Committee, Service Employees International Union Local 721 (Los Angeles, CA)
- Captain James H. Whitley, Jr., Battalion Fire Chief, Washington, D.C. Fire Department (Mitchellville, MD)
- Lynn Yen, Executive Director of the Foundation for the Revival of Classical Culture (New York, NY)
- Lowell Young, Treasurer, Mariposa County Democratic Central Committee (Mariposa, CA)
- Weijun Zhao, Director, Office of China Programs, Michigan State University (Detroit, Michigan)
- Julio C. González, former Secretary of State of the Argentine Republic; University Professor (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
- Carlos Alberto Baltazar Perez Galindo, Attorney (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
- Prof. Dr. H.C. Peter Bachmeier, Austria-Belarus Society (Vienna, Austria)
- Prof. Reinhard Kleinknecht, Department of Philosophy, University of Salzburg (Salzburg, Austria)
- Prof. Dr. Hans Koechler, President, International Progress Organization (Vienna, Austria)
- Eva Pfisterer, Magazine Journalist, Formerly with the Osterriech Rundfunk ORF (Vienna, Austria)
- Michael Machura, Counsellor and Engineer, Österreichischer Wirtschaftsrat (Austria)
- Dr. Harold Raffay, (Vienna, Austria)
- Professor Karl Socher, Professor Emeritus University of Innsbruck, Institute for Economic Theory, Political Economy (Innsbruck, Austria)
- David Comissiong, President, Clement Payne Movement; Former Senator, Government of Barbados; Former Director, Commission for Pan-African Affairs, Government of Barbados (Barbados)
- Koen Van Dessel, Editor, SouthFront Dutch (Antwerp, Belgium)
- Lode Vanoost, Former Deputy Speaker of the Belgian Parliament, 1999-2003 (Sint-Genesius-Rode, Brussels, Belgium)
- Rodrigo Menezes, Technical Manager and Regulatory Affairs, Eutelsat (Rio de Janerio, Brazil)
- María Luz Navarrete Alarcón, Vice President for Social Security of Aquí la Gente Citizens Movement (Santiago, Chile)
- David Gontar, Adjunct Professor of English and Philosophy, Inner Mongolia University (China)
- Jhon Jairo Jaramillo, Liberal Arts Professor, University of el Valle (Colombia)
- Carlos Julio Diaz Lotero, General Director, National Trade Union School, Unified Workers Federation (CUT) (Medellin, Colombia)
- Pedro Pablo Escobar Morales, President, Unified Education Workers Trade Union (SUTEV), (Buga, Colombia)
- Hugo Andersen, Director, Taarnby Karroserifabrik (Taamby, Denmark)
- John Scales Avery, Associate Professor Emeritus, University of Copenhagen; Chairman of The Danish Peace Academy; Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs (Denmark)
- Anika Telmányi Lylloff, Classical Violinist (Denmark)
- Mohammed Mafoud, Head of Danish-Syrian Union (Denmark)
- Thomas Grønlund Nielsen, Physics Lecturer, Herlufsholm Skole (Denmark)
- Jens Jorgen Nielsen, Lecturer, Niels Brock Business School (Denmark)
- Ole Skjold, former director, Ole Skjold ApS (Frederikssund, Denmark)
- Erling Svendsen, Former President, Danish Wheat Growers Association (Hvalso, Denmark)
- Ole Valentin-Hjorth, Economist (Denmark)
- Ramon Emilio Concepcion, Attorney (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic)
- Alexis Ponce, Defender of Human Rights (Ecuador)
- Jorge Washington Núñez Sánchez, Former President of the Association of Latin American Historians (Quito, Ecuador)
- Georges Beriachvili, Classical Pianist (Paris, France)
- Jean-Paul Brignoli, Mayor of Ormey (Ormey, France)
- Jacques Cheminade, President, Solidarité et Progrès (Paris, France)
- Gérard Coinchelin, Deputy Mayor (Denipaire, France)
- Col. (ret) Alain Corvez, Counsellor for International Strategy, former advisor to the General-in-Command of UNIFIL (France)
- Claude Champaud, Honorary President of the Rennes University, President of the Scientific Council of the foundation for Research on the Corporate Doctrine (Rennes, France)
- Marc Chautemps, Mayor of Gemeaux (Gemeaux, France)
- Pierre Eboundit, President of the Panafrican Leauge—Umoja (Reims, France)
- Evard Garnier, Mayor (Mijoux, France)
- Alain Giletti, Former Champion Figure Skater (Tours, France)
- Michele Guerin, Economist, Consultant (Paris, France)
- Deva Koumarane, poet, teacher Indian Studies (Rambouillet, France)
- Jean-Yves Lapeyrere, Mayor (Lorignac, France)
- Jean-Pierre Luminet, Author, Astrophysicist Laboratory of Physical Sciences of Marseille (France)
- Eugene Perez, Mayor of Chamouilley (Chamouilley, France)
- Catherine Plantevin, Archeologue, INRAP (Lyon, France)
- Ali Rastbeen, President Geopolitical Academy Of Paris (Paris, France)
- Dr. Louis Reymondon, Honorary Surgeon of French Hospitals; President of VietAmitié (France)
- Jean-Jacques Seymour, Radio Journalist (Paris, France)
- Bernard Sutter, Mayor of Sternenberg (Sternenberg, France)
- Bassam Tahhan, Franco-Syrian Professor of Geostrategy, Ecole Nationale supérieure des Techniques Avancées (Paris, France)
- Dr. Johannes Maria Becker, Privatdozent Phillips University, Center for Conflict Studies (Marburg, Germany)
- Ruhild Boehm, Author (Tuebingen, Germany)
- Niccolai Dolmetsch, District Chapter Chairman Left Party (Stuttgart, Germany)
- Wolfgang Effenberger, Retired State’s Attorney (Rosenheim, Germany)
- Hans-Juergen Ehlers, Publicist (Bavaria, Germany)
- Anatol Graf, Federal Council for the Integration of Germans from Russia (Berlin, Germany)
- Dr. Josef Gruber, Professor Emeritus (Hagen, Germany)
- Brunhilde Hanke, Former Mayor of Potsdam Germany 1961-1984 (Potsdam, Germany)
- Uwe Heimrich, Mayor (Thueringen, Germany)
- Prof. Dr. Klaus Hennig, Physicist (Prina, Germany)
- Martin Hoffman, Lawyer, German India Round Table (Leipzig, Germany)
- Prof. Helmut Keutner, Beuth Hochschule fuer Technik (Berlin, Germany)
- Erika Herbrig, Former Director of the Historical Memorial Site of the Potsdam Agreements (Cecilienhof, Germany)
- Dipl.-Ing. Enayetullah Ishaqzay, Economist (Goettingen, Germany)
- Dr. Ing. Eberhard Langer, Former Mayor of Chemnitz (Chemnitz , Germany)
- Gerd Medger, Board Member, Brazilian-German Association for Business and Science (Dresden, Germany)
- Ekaterina Medvedeva-Schwerbock, Actress (Berlin, Germany)
- Alena Petrova, General Director, Art Assemblee Agency, GmbH (Baden-Wurtemberg, Germany)
- Dr. Albrecht Poth, Scientific Director (Rossdorf, Germany)
- Ronald Regolien, Journalist (Ravensberg, Germany)
- Dorothea Schleifenbaum, County Councilwoman Siegen-Wittgenstein (Siegen, Germany)
- Dr. Kurt Schumann, Embassy Counselor, a.D. (ret.) (Germany)
- H. C. von Sponeck, Former U.N. Assistant Secretary General (Germany)
- Dr. Hermann Schwiesau, Ambassador a.D. (ret.) (Germany)
- Dr. Gallus Strobel, Mayor, Triberg Germany (Baden-Wurtemberg, Germany)
- Dmitris Tzamouranis, Greek visual artist (Berlin, Germany)
- Prof. Dr. Carl-Otto Weiss, Research Director at the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (Braunschweig, Germany)
- Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Founder, Schiller Institute (Wiesbaden, Germany)
- Leonidas Chrysanthopoulos Ambassador (ret), Member of the Political Secretariat of United People’s Front (Greece)
- Panos Kammenos, President of the Independent Greeks, Member of the Hellenic Parliament (Athens, Greece)
- Lefteris Karayannis, Ret. Ambassador, Diplomatic advisor to Panos Kammenos (Athens, Greece)
- Theodore Katsanevas, Chairman of the Drachma 5 Party (Athens, Greece)
- General (ret) Konstantinos Konstantinides, one of the founders of Generals Against Nuclear War (Greece)
- Dr. George Pararas-Carayannis, Chairman, 6th International Tsunami Symposium; President Tsunami Society International (Greece)
- Philippos Tsalides, Professor of Electronics, Democritus University of Thrace, President of the Institute of Geopolitical Studies “National Regeneration” (Xanthi, Greece)
- Dr. George Tsobanoglou, Vice President, International Sociological Association, Research Committee on Sociotechnics & Sociological Practice (Greece)
- Raúl Aníbal Marroquín Casasola, former Secretario General del Sindicato de Trabajadores del INDE-STINDE (Guatemala)
- Jacques Bacamurwanko, Former Ambassador of Burundi to the United States, (Conakry, Guinea)
- Yufang Guo, Chairman, Jomec International (Rotterdam, Holland)
- Shalini Pradhan, DDS, A/8 Model Town Housing Scheme (Mumbai, India)
- Dr. Vinod Saighal, Executive Director, Eco Monitors Society (New Delhi, India)
- Arun Shrivastava, author (New Dehli, India)
- Seyed Hossein Mousavian, Research Scholar, Program Science and Global Security Princeton University, Former Iranian Ambassador to Germany, Former Head of the Foreign Relations Committee of Iran’s National Security Council (Iran)
- Eugene Douglas, Editor, LaRouche Irish Brigade (Armagh, Ireland)
- Antonella Banaudi, Opera Singer (Sanremo, Italy)
- Luca Bertoni, Secretary, Lomardi-Russia Cultural Association (Milan, Italy)
- Senator Stefano Candiani, Member of the Italian Senate (Rome, Italy)
- Gabriele Chiurli, Member, Tuscany Regional Council (Arezzo, Italy)
- Prof. Guglielmo Forges Davanzati, University of Salento (Lecce, Italy)
- Gianmatteo Ferrari, Vice-President, Lombardy-Russia Cultural Association (Milan, Italy)
- Pietro Foroni, Member of the Regional Council in the Lombardy Region (Milan, Italy)
- Nino Galloni, Economist (Rome, Italy)
- Alfonso Gianni, Director of the Cercare Ancora Foundation (Rome, Italy)
- Pietro Giubilo, Former Mayor, Rome (Rome, Italy)
- Tiberio Graziani, President, Institute of Advanced Studies in Geopolitics (Rome, Italy)
- Paolo Grimoldi, Member of the Italian Parliament, Founder of the Parliamentary group, “Friends of Putin” (Carugate, Italy)
- Giacomo Guarini, Administrative Director, Institute for High Studies of Geopolitics (Rome, Italy)
- Armando Manocchia, Journalist, Editor in Chief Imola Oggi.it (Imola, Italy)
- Prof. Giulio Sapelli, Economist, University of Milan (Milan, Italy)
- Gianluca Savoini, President, Lombardy-Russia Cultural Association (Milan, Italy)
- Enzo Siviero, Member of the Italian National Council of Universities (Padua, Italy)
- Valentina Iorio Tomasetti, City Councilwoman (Galliate Lombardo, Italy)
- Marcello Vichi, Author, Transaqua, an Idea for the Sahel, Former Director Foreign Department, Bonifica Engineering Company, IRI Group (Rome, Italy)
- Daisuke Kotegawa, Former Japanese Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund (Tokyo, Japan)
- Yim Sungbin, Former Secretary to the President of the Republic of Korea for Climate and Environment (Republic of Korea)
- Chandra Muzaffar, President of the International Movement for a Just World (Kuala Lampur, Malaysia)
- Manuel Ignacio Espinoza Gonzalez, Primary School Teacher, former Municipal President, PRD (Ures, Sonora, Mexico)
- Luis Benito Acosta Jiménez, Agronomist, Director General, Agronomy Federation of Mexico City (Mexico City DF, Mexico)
- Carlos Arellano Palma, Architectural engineer, Mexican Association of Engineers (Mexico City DF, Mexico)
- Esteban Palma Bautista, Civil engineer, Mexican Association of Engineers (Mexico City DF, Mexico)
- Gaston Pardo-Pérez, journalist, Reseau Voltaire (Veracruz, Mexico)
- Jesus E. Ramirez Diaz, Secretary General, Mexican National Federation of Organized Trade Unions FENASO (Mexico)
- Martínez Rojas, Andrés Eloy, Federal Congressman, Mexico, MORENA party, Secretary of the Science and Technology Committee in the Chamber of Deputies (Mexico)
- Rosa Elia Romero Guzmán, Mexican Federal Congresswoman (Oaxaca, Mexico)
- Casimiro Navarro Valenzuela, Industrial Engineer, Former Municipal President, PAN (Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico)
- Jose Modesto Torres Valerio, Secretary General of the University of Sonora Workers and Employees Union (SETUS) (Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico)
- José Francisco Rosales Argüello, Vice President of Permanent Conference of Political Parties of Latin America and the Caribbean, Justice Nicaragua Supreme Court (Nicaragua)
- lloegbunam Ngoesina, General Organizer of the All Progressive Grand Alliance (APGA) (State of Anambra, Nigeria)
- Mario Rognoni, Journalist, Businessman, Engineer (Panama City, Panama)
- Julio A. Mendoza, architect, President of the Chamber of Housing and Infrastructure of Paraguay (Paraguay)
- Teresa Nowak, Chairman of the Board at The Institute for Intercultural Communication and Interdisciplinary Studies SILK ROAD (Poland)
- Dr. Jacek Nowak, Executive Director at The Institute for Intercultural Communication and Interdisciplinary Studies SILK ROAD (Poland)
- Sergei Cherkasov, Deputy Director for Research, State Geological Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
- Guzel A. Danukalova, Institute of Geology, Ufa Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences (Ufa, Russia)
- Roman Krivonos, Space Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
- Victor Kuzin, Head of Moscow Bureau for the Defense of Human Rights without Borders (Moscow, Russia)
- Olga Mekhtieva, Teacher of English Literature (Moscow, Russia)
- Stanislav N. Nekrasov, professor; Chairman, International Legal and Futurological Information Agency (Yekaterinburg, Russia)
- Alexander D. Petrushin, Institute for Demography, Migration, and Regional Development (Moscow, Russia)
- Sergey Pulinets, Space Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
- Prof. Marietta Stepanyants, UNESCO Chair for Philosophy in the Dialogue of Cultures, Institute of Philosophy (Moscow, Russia)
- Sergei V. Zaitsev, Institute of Solid State Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences (Chernogolovka, Russia)
- Naeem Shakir, Supreme Court Attorney of Pakistan (Lahore, Pakistan)
- Olga Zinovieva, Co-Chairman Rossiya Segodnya Ziniviev Club (Moscow, Russia)
- Prof. Dr. Ana Langovic Milicevic, Faculty of Art and Design, Megatrends University (Belgrade, Serbia)
- Father Themi Adamopoulous, Greek Orthodox Priest (Sierra Leone)
- Jan Cernogursky, former dissident of Czechoslovakia, former Justice Minister, Slovak Republic (Slovakia)
- Javier Otazu Ojer, Economics Professor, UNED in Pamplona (Pamplona, Spain)
- Fructuoso Rodríguez Morales, retired transport union leader (Las Cannarias, Spain)
- Sebastian Martin, Director, Noticanarias.com (Puerto del Rosario, Islas Canarias, Spain)
- Fahrie Hassan, The Film Club (Cape Town, South Africa)
- Greger Ahlberg, architect (Stockholm, Sweden)
- Leena Malkki-Guignard, producer and opera singer, Operafabriken (Malmo, Sweden)
- Daniel Mena, Member, City Council (Helsingborg, Sweden)
- Professor Heinrich Bortis, Professor of Political Economy, University of Freiberg (Freiberg, Switzerland)
- Tomader Gohar, Citizens for Peace Building (Geneva, Switzerland)
- Alfonso Tuor, Journalist, Economist, (Lugano, Switzerland)
- Dr, Gerd Joseph Weisensee,Delegate of the Board of Directors Pro-Life Association (Bern, Switzerland)
- Mustafa Acar, Professor, Dr. Rector, Aksaray University (Aksaray, Turkey)
- Mother Agnes Mariam of the Cross, Mother Superior at the Monastery and Convent of St. James the Mutilated (Qara, Syria)
- Vladimir R. Marchenko, Confederation of Labor of Ukraine (Kiev, Ukraine)
- Natalia M. Vitrenko, Doctor of Economics; Chairman, Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine (Kiev, Ukraine)
- Rt. Hon. Michael Meacher, Labour Member of the House of Commons, Former Cabinet Minister and National Executive Member of the Labour Party (Oldham, United Kingdom)
- Robert Oulds, Director of the Bruges Group (Conservative Party), Local government councilor for the London borough of Hounslow Author and Military Historian (London, United Kingdom)
- Mike Robinson, Editor, UK Column (Plymouth, United Kingdom)
- Professor Prem Sikka, Essex Business School at University of Essex Professor of Accounting and Economist (Colchester, United Kingdom)
- Paul Webb, Screenwriter, Academy Award-nominated films Selma and Lincoln (London, United Kingdom)
- Dr. Daya Thussu, Co-Director, India Media Center, University of Westminster (United Kingdom)
- Roman Rojas Cabot, Former Venezuelan Ambassador to the European Union and to Guyana (Caracas, Venezuela)